Fearlessly We Awaken!

Join Judy and friends for Soulful Sunday Mornings Radio… Dancing Beyond Dogma, Parenting the Divine Tele Seminar and local events… links for more into at bottom of page

You are the tree of life, all parts of you are now jumping home into the nest of your Heart. Stay open and willing…

As above so belowHaving some ups and downs?

May it be related to the fact that our whole reality is shifting and new

awareness and realization calls anything that was created from a perspective of separation and fear to the surface, the light. That everything we ever thought was true is not?? ya think it may cause some bumps?:)

Yes we are all riding the waves of emotion and unraveling of every thought form and belief system we ever held. Most of us are individually and collectively clearing the thought forms that tell us we are less than, or better than, unworthy, alone, unseen, unheard, invisible, too this or too that. 

You see all these thought forms and subsequent emotions and belief systems were birthed from the error of perception that told us we are separate from our Creator and each other. So as we realize our oneness and connectedness and that our very essence is unconditional love, everything unlike that love comes up to be loved back home. You are not only enough you are a magnificent expression of the divine that only you can be!  Ride the ebb and flow of emotion and allow for the release of cellular memory that has been stored… we get to clear the collective shame, guilt, resentment, blame bodies.

When I went to the Pebbles in the Pond, Transforming the World One Person at a Time Authors Retreat, there were 4o authors from 11 countries who instantly realized ourselves as family. This is what is happening now, as we realize we are so fully connected we are gathering with others who are resonating at this frequency of awakening, of LOVE!

This poem came through as I sat in the Presence of all the authors of Pebbles in the Pond… and I’d love to hear how it touches you…

Fearlessly They Awaken

Fearlessly they awaken
from the long time slumber
the depth of belief in separation
causing listlessness
and lethargy in some
The shared struggle
resting deep in their bones

 Despite resistance and fatigue 
They, gathered, 
WE gather 
Those who could move
Shook the “others” gifts free

As tears fall and hands
and fists pound upon the breasts
Forgiving each other, yes
Forgiving ourselves
and God, Allah, Yahweh, Ram 
For being All That IS
oppressor, oppressed,
abuser, abused,
friend, foe.

 And We, You and I,
look around the circle
Beyond color, religion, race, gender
Concepts lose their meaning
Thus, we can love ourselves
fully and freely
and Your realization of Essence 
Your wholeness, 
Your Authenticity Frees ME.

 As Oneness emerges in our awareness 
disease dissipates
and competition loses it’s grasp
and the humans tell Darwin
and his friends 
where to put
‘survival of the fittest’
and realize themselves a species of cooperation 
and dance fully

Supporting the magnificent Divine sovereign expression
of Each Being
So Bright

 Walls fall
Wars are paralyzed by the LOVE
CHILDREN teach and you and I Listen

Uniting every cell home to it’s Essence of love 

The deep, gentle fierce and powerful truth
of who you are 
We are…
Goddess and her beloved embodied as YOU.

 Thank you
You are
The essence of love
in delicious and delightful form
realizing itself

Supported fully by the Almighty
It is the Goddance
for which you have come
I am honored to be dancing with YOU. 


Now I get to play again with fellow authors!   Every  Sunday 7am (or listen anytime on  demand at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/creatingcalmnetwork/2013/03/31/soulful-sunday-mornings ) is the launch of Soulful Sunday Mornings on Ann White’s Creating Calm Blogtalk Radio Network and Marilee Synder-Nieciak with Carol Woodliff

Soulful Sundays is from 7am to 8:30amPST. Judy’s Dancing Beyond Dogma begins at 8amPST

Tukaram  a great poet and sage speaks to the theme of my upcoming radio spot
Dancing Beyond Dogma.

On Certainty

Certainty undermines one’s power, and turns happiness into a long shot. Certainty confines. Dears, there is nothing in your life that will not change — especially all your ideas of God. Look what the insanity of righteous knowledge can do: crusade and maim thousands in wanting to convert that which is already gold into gold. Certainty can become an illness that creates hate and greed.  God once said to Tuka,”Even I am ever changing—I am ever beyond Myself, what I may have once put my seal upon, may no longer be the greatest Truth.”  – Tukaram (c.1608 – 1649)

For More info:

Soulful Sunday Mornings:


For Parents – Empower the Parent, Empower the Children Tele-seminar… http://www.seedingthefuturenow.org

Sac People see local events here:  https://www.judyguadalupe.com/calendar/upcoming-events/

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