33 ~ Mastery of Love in Politics

33 ~ Mastery of Love in Politics

Over lifetimes of form 
making a career
of making sense
utilizing distraction or intellect 
to put some meaning 
upon life 
and it’s delightfulness and atrocities

All of it story 
Until the day 
our tears ignite the fire in the belly
which fans that of the heart
only to emerge as the fire of 
life itself 
supported fully by the almighty
You dance
Awake. Firm. 

Furious passion emerges 
from your merging 
you know instantly 
that all you ever knew is now
only a precursor of yourSelf
in time 
if time were so

Mortal in immortality 
and presence in the face of distraction
all you are now and will be
making a new career

This day she said yes
Today Marianne Williamson said YES
33rd District, the mastery of love in politics
Every cell of me sang,
as if what I already know
and saw
Is coming home to form
Like an alchemist
living backwards
Always knowing gold inherent within
Even when lead is all you see
She says yes, seeing lead 
and evoking the gold
I say yes tooNow

Never underestimate
The word yes
What love can really do
How free you really are to make a difference

 Always underestimate:
Holding back
Wishing things were different

 Always know that: 
Forgiveness frees
Brings you home
to where freedom has always been
The power of your authentic Self breeds love
No matter what.
You do not have to believe it
For it to be so
So it is
Quietly or with a great roar.

You are invited to now
underlying essence of the love you are
always dancing ~ aligning 
who you thought yourself to be
with who you truly are

Never underestimate:
this true union
The power of love

 Freeing_our_Goddance_Cover_for_KindleOrder Judy’s Book here:   


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