Keys to Experiencing True Freedom

The White Flag Raised

Ok my friends ~ 
that love slows down beyond fears
and before long tears fall 
like hail upon your breast

Fists pound 
calling up from the depths~ 
the desire to be free 
Body darts this way and that wondering
if it is falling apart

or open

Face flat upon the ground 
the white flag raised
Sitting then, 
tears now fall upon your tongue
Igniting an explosion so brilliant
you no longer think

Hafiz spoke of this and now 
You come to know
The Goddance is like that you know!

Rhia and her Papa flying free!

Rhia flying with PapaI find it interesting and humorous that we humans like to think in ways of steps… If I do 1, 2 ,3 then this will be the result. There are 8 steps to enlightenment, 12 steps to a healthy body, 14 steps to your business success and ladidadida!
It certainly can serve us to learn from each other certain practices or tools for the various experiences and manifestations in our earthly sojourn.

However, one of the huge things I have experienced and  I am seeing in those coming to my groups and sessions is that we have an idea that in order to be free, or enlightened or thin, or healthy or successful, I have to do this, fix that, remember this and practice that. We are bombarded with others ideas, lists and keys to get us there.  

And as  lives fill up with family, work, busyness, we keep going at the pace of unconscious living all the while those thoughts creep in. “You are not “doing it” right, taking good enough care of yourself,  your not the best mom, provider, friend, son, you are not spiritual enough, you are not good enough, you need to do this or that in order for this or that result.” Keeping that ever elusive freedom at bay!

So, the keys to experiencing true freedom that want to be expressed here today  begins on the premise that freedom is already here, within you,  me, in fact as the spaciousness we are. So this is not keys to attaining freedom but for REALIZING you are free. 

Turn the keys of your heart and soul, the truth sets you free:)

  • Your freedom, true freedom lives in you, is here now. It has been called peace that passes understanding, the power of now, the middle way, essence of love, samadhi, bliss, inner peace, awakened state, enlightenment, joy… Your path to unleashing this freedom is your own, no one else has your “way” You are the way:)
  • The key that stems from the first key is that your “job” so to speak, or your privilege and birthright is to surrender into this truth that is already so. You do not have to fight for this to be your experience, or fix something broken within you or the world first. You get to let go into what is so. 
    The collective shift in consciousness that is supporting the unraveling of the binds of or belief in separation and greed supports the inner experience of freedom.  The best way I like to define surrender is through my two poetry/acronyms that point to what surrender is and the blessing of it. SURRENDER: Sacred Unraveling Releasing Restriction Evaporating Narcissism Dissipating Ego Reality  ~ And as we unravel we experience:  
    Sweet Unfathomable Relief Rising Everywhere Now Disclosing Eternal Reality ~ (Yes a great relief emerges as you experience eternal reality)
  • Next Key that stems from Surrender  is that YOUR REALIZATION of YOUR FREEDOM is your gift to your loved ones and our planet. In fact I read somewhere that “your ancestors are demanding it and your descendants require it.” I like to see that not as a guilt producing “have to” but as an invitation to realize that freedom of all does lie in the freedom of each of us which leads us to…
  • The final key to be shared today is the key that turns the door to a new reality. Our conditioned minds will tell us it is very grandiose to think that you can have such an impact upon the world and will either tell you how dare you think you are so powerful or feed off the perceived power to puff itself up.  
    However, freedom itself does not need to come to you so that you can help anything. It is the other way around, AS YOU REALIZE FREEDOM and awaken you will be able to see no other reality. It is not about grandiosity, or your saving someone or something,  it is about Truth and there is only one version of that.
    We get to now realize that our whole reality had a bit of a flaw. It taught us that we are limited beings, bound by so many things and we live in a world where the belief in separation has perpetuated greed, competition and limitation. And now we free ourselves from conditioned limited thought forms by realizing (not hoping for or praying for or trying to make it true) but by dropping into now where the essence of love, of truth, your freedom lives.  From this, first of all, YOUR PRESENCE activates this potential for those around you and from there the impulse of the love within, all your actions and doing in the world will be love in action!  Not because you have to or should  but because love could do no other. 

I will end with 2 things a poem from our Mother Gaia that I wrote several years ago as I cried at her Breast and an Invitation to one local and one remote gathering;

Invitation- July 12th – Evening of Inspiration, Laughter and Love – Every second Friday at Ancient Future 2331 K St. Sacramento  7pm This Month’s Theme – Let Freedom Ring:)

July 22nd – Free Tele-Call – Freeing Your Goddance – A Full Moon Collective Howl of Love – 5:30pmPST Monday  eve, will be recorded and sent to you upon request:)    click here to email with tele-call in subject box and the call info will be sent to you.

heart earthShe Holds Me

Falling in
I simply slide…
The womb of  Mother
Catches me
“Where have you been
That has taken you 
From awareness 
of my ever present breast
Upon which you curl?” jg

PS: For those of us who grew up in the “Desperado” and “Me and Bobby McGee” days when the message was “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose” it can be difficult to realize that our inner freedom is not to cut off from intimacy to protect ourselves and not at the expense of anyone else but instead it is a realization that your Aloneness IS ALL ONENESS, that allows for and honors and supports all the various juicy diverse expressions of the One:) 


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